
We are pet sitting on Dartmoor again. We love the bleak and wild countryside, the beauty and being surrounded by the quiet nature. This stunning house we are in for the wee k is very comfortable with all mod cons, it is incredibly warm with ground source heating, solar panels and huge south facing windows in the sunroom. Our home for over 4 years has been like living in one big sunroom and we can't imagine ever choosing to live anywhere gloomy. When the sky is clear the cabin fills with sunshine through the day and moonlight at night. We don't have curtains and only 3 low energy lightbulbs, so we rely on natural light. It's always a shock when we go to somewhere with bright artificial lights and find ourselves itching to get out. We like a quiet, simple life - nothing brash, bright and loud, just peace and harmony. This year we have decided to leave the farm. It's time for some adventures; to travel and possibly find another place to be. We would like a motorhome aga...