
Showing posts with the label Home Grown Vegetables


  Red lentils are an absolute favourite and we have both felt the same way about them for many years...our go to comfort food, whatever the weather!  Put them together with some vegetables, miso and brown rice and we have the ultimate in simple, nourishing food.  It's one of the first vegan ingredients we attempted to cook over 34 years ago - with very little in the way of recipe books and we had no idea how to get them just right; resorting to beans on toast over and over again, but sheer determination and much experimentation got us there in the end! Now we enjoy them at least twice a week, these days in a pan of seasonal vegetables cooked with spices and fresh herbs - sometimes using the leftovers for roasts and burgers...they are just so versatile and we adore their subtle, almost bland flavour and creamy texture.   Red Lentil Dhal Recipe   (4 Servings) Ingredients 8oz red lentils 1 medium onion 4 garlic cloves Selection of seasonal vegetables Selection of spices (black cumin,

Creeping and Going

  More pics of our wild garden. We are going with the flow and creating little pockets of growing areas without getting concerned about timings; happy to just see what happens. Sweetpeas along the path to the cabin. We have around 30 tomato plants, which we have repotted for now and they continue to live in the workshop until the posts for the polytunnel/greenhouse come to us...which they will! Creating another no dig area. We have lots of fruit vines, which we are gradually getting tied up. The bees are loving the wild flowers, so we are leaving them in place. Floober Toobs overseeing everything in his most regal way. Not easy to see on this photo, but the Globe Artichoke is looking quite magnificent and is already over 6 feet tall.  We have lots of raspberries and red campions fast taking over the chard and kale area, but we seem to be still getting some nice edible greens, so we are happy. Yesterday was very hot and having a south facing garden means there is only shade early mornin

Cabin Garden

There are several growing areas on our plot, so we have decided that the veg bed directly outside the cabin will eventually become a flower bed and picnic area.  The kitties love this space and we have the bird feeders here too.  Our French windows need fixing and then they will open out on to what we hope will be a pretty little space for us all to chill out. We think the bin lid may make a nice bird bath, which Sime wants to set up on a plinth. Our plan for the old polytunnel space is to make a greenhouse, using recycled panels. We are a bit late with getting our seeds going, but so far we have tomatoes which will go into the greenhouse plot and leeks which we plan to put amongst the rather overgrown plot of raspberries and assortment of greens... We are spending a lot of time away at the moment; caring for one of our clients; giving his family a's not quite how we imagined this year to be, but as always, we go with the flow - the garden isn't going anywhere and wi

Cabin Life

We have been in the cabin for 4 months and it is wonderful to think that we are just a few weeks away from spring, not that we are wishing our lives away - because we absolutely love this cosy little place and as serial hibernators, we are very happy to be warm and snug. Choosing to live simply has exceeded our expectations and we have been on this journey since leaving Meadowcroft 4 years ago.  Our time at Cotna Eco Retreat  gave us a great grounding and enabled us to start preparing for this...outdoor facilities, mud and nature!  Simple rural living can be a challenge in the winter, but we are strong and more resilient than ever, which feels so good. We are doing exactly what we have dreamed of for many years... One of many lovely messages left behind by the previous cabin dwellers. Here we keep our recipe and natural health books...we are very passionate about food and nutrition, as you may know and seeing this message everyday has probably had quite an impact on us.  Like many peop

Time For Change

New opportunities have presented themselves again and the time has come for us to move on. Since coming to Cornwall in 2002, we have lived in some amazing homes and have promised ourselves over the years that we will continue to stay and live in places with beautiful views. We love the view from the kitchen door here and this will always stay with us...especially early mornings and seeing the sunrise. This year has been quite wonderful for us...being in the right place at the right time.  We have found joy in gardening...preparing beds, growing vegetables and fruit, as well as clearing and weeding.  Enjoying the peace of the Cornish countryside, connecting with nature and continuing to slow down.  We are both absolutely committed to this way of simply and eating well.  With this in mind, we are moving again - staying in Cornwall and becoming the new guardians of a quirky little cabin in a community of lovely folks. We are looking forward to having our own little space wit

Bumper Crop

One day soon , we'll have time to do so much more... Like do a post about Shugborough Hall, think about the No Impact experiment, finish off our living room, make the house look presentable, have friends round for meals & grow things... This is our one & only vegetable this year - grown accidentally from our own compost! It had fallen from the plant when we arrived home from work & it was delicious! We are now off out to St Ives to see Mark Thomas - looking forward to it, but we'll suffer for it tomorrow... We'll be running the teens home ed group & will no doubt be a bit tired! Nevermind, it's all good fun! Kay :)