You, Me & Debris
Yesterday we spent another long day cleaning other peoples' homes... We didn't get in until after 7pm! With all the hassle this (or was it last?) week, I'm really wishing for an easier life. What would be really nice right now is a few days off to potter around the house, read one of the ever growing pile of books, do things in the garden, get on top of our business accounts, cook, sit & chat... Though I should be careful, as the last time I complained about wanting to spend more time at home - I fell & sprained my ankle! So I'll just be content that we have money coming in, we have good health & we are happy! This Saturday, The Dolphins Fly are performing at The Eden Cafe - which led to the band being invited to an interview on BBC Radio Cornwall . Unfortunately, Sime & Bill couldn't make it, so Dave & Mart did a couple of acoustic tracks. We've just got a few days left to try & get as many folks as possible to come along on the nig