
Showing posts with the label Sea

You Can Choose

  Are you living your best possible life? "You grow old when you lose interest in life, when you cease to dream, to hunger after new truths, and to search for new worlds to conquer.  When your mind is open to new ideas, new interests, and when you raise the curtain and let in the sunshine and inspiration of new truths of life and the universe, you will be young and vital." ~ Joseph Murphy ~ In our little world we see much beauty and try to take time to enjoy the simplicity in our lives. We love the flexibility and variety of our business and feel good about doing what we do. Working with people and animals is definitely our thing. Earlier in the year we considered taking on extra cleaning work, though neither of us really wanted to venture down that road. We were looking at ways of increasing our income, but we have no desire to clean up after tourists anymore - we did it for many years and are happier now that our business has evolved to focus more on people and animals rath

Lounge Lizards

It was our wedding anniversary yesterday and after returning from our pet sit in Devon, then catching up with work for a couple of days - we fancied just being at home, pottering about, making food and preparing our car for it's MOT this morning. We don't really need an official day to celebrate our relationship, we just find it quite funny that time is flying by and it's actually 36 years now since we made that commitment to each other. Anyway, our car "Earl" passed it's MOT early this morning and on the spur of the moment; we decided that that was definitely worth celebrating, especially as it was another beautiful day and we just so happened to be a couple of miles from Coverack, somewhere we hadn't visited for some time. While Earl was in Zoar garage, we treated ourselves to a vegan breakfast bap each from The Bus Stop takeaway, which is in the grounds of the garage. Sarah, the owner is really friendly and it's nice to be reacquainted with her and

Dodging The Rain

Spring is supposedly here, though not sure it has truly arrived in this area of Cornwall and it seems like everyone who lives outside of Portmellon is experiencing warmer, drier weather than we are.  Our hibernating season has been a long one this winter, so even though it still has been quite chilly and wet - we thought it was about time we just got out there... We met up with a friend for coffee on Sunday morning in Mevagissey and are happy to report that the newish cafe on the harbour,  She Sells  has very nice coffee and vegan smoothies. It's been months since we walked round Meva, so afterwards we had a walk to the end... Kitty in the window... Not for sale! Heading back up the hill... Caerhays Castle beach - Porthluney - just before sunset... Dusk on the Fal Estuary. Canada Goose watching at Ruan Quay... The Fal is quite high at the moment. Swans further down the estuary... We love taking what we

Living With Less

It's two months since we moved into our little home and despite the fact that it's rained every day since we arrived - we love it! We sleep with the curtains open and wake every morning seeing the sea, although some days the mist has meant we don't see anything for a while, but it's fascinating having such a vast view of the open sea and the coastline into Devon. We see the changes in the weather and the colour of the sea. The blustery and gale force winds bringing rough waves and then days of mill pond calmness. We see storms coming in, the dark clouds and glimpses of blue sky. From the kitchen we look down on Portmellon, which is very pretty and at night is like a Mediterranean hillside village with twinkling lights, next to a glistening sea. We are living in this small space and it is wonderful. Life feels simpler, we have definitely slowed down and just enjoy being cosy and snug with the kitties... We all seem to sleep more too, whic

Garden View

The view from our garden this morning... Low cloud over the sea... Our neighbours new glamping pods... Bleached sky... Portmellon. Our decking...  Looking forward to sitting here in the warmer weather! We are having a cat flap fitted on Monday...  Can't believe we've been here for nearly 4 weeks now and our boys will be so happy to be venturing out! We think they are very much at home now, so we are hoping they won't travel too far...  Bedtime snuggles with Fleaby... And a rare bedtime snuggle with Lupes! Bye for now, Kay and Sime xx

Back To Nature

This is 11 years worth of shells and pebbles collected from the beach. They were on every windowsill and shelf, in every room of Meadowcroft...  Over the weeks, we filled a waste paper basket with them and a few days ago - returned them to Hemmick Beach! ♥

Year Of Adventure

A bit late, but Happy New Year! :-) We had a lovely time with all our kidlets over Christmas, which has made quite a change - the first time in years that we have all managed to be under one roof during the holiday period!  We are so pleased that we could do this, as this was to be our last one at Meadowcroft...  Yes, not only are we buying our little French house (which will need lots of TLC before we move in), but we have decided to downsize to a small house overlooking the sea while we visit France and just enjoy ourselves! We only made the decision at the beginning of December, which meant we needed to get busy decluttering... Taking the opportunity to move from our big place in Boswinger to a small, very lovely, fully furnished one bedroom converted garage near to Mevagissey... This was the view from our bedroom early this morning. We were supposed to be managing the property as a holiday let for our friends, but after having a few days break here - we fel

The South West Coast Path Circular Walk From Home

We're having such beautiful weather here at the moment, so we're making the most of it! Last week we decided to do one of our favourite local walks... Taking the lane past our hamlet... And the footpath down towards Caerhays... There had been a thick sea mist all morning, which started to lift. 1 mile from home... Tim Burton's film crew were starting to take over the beach. After feasting on fruit & handfuls of nuts on the beach, the mist cleared & we got on our way... We joined the coast path to head home... Looking back down on Porthluney Beach. A mysterious standing.stone.. Neither of us remember seeing it before! Taking in the view... These steps through the woodland are never-ending...  Out the other end... Down more steps... This little chap ran across the path - we do see lizards a lot in our garden too. We think the only way to get to Lambsowden Cove is by boat...