The Art Of Doing Less
Over the years, our life has become simpler... We work less, buy less & do less. Last week, we spent a wonderful few days with our kidlets - all of them, here, together, enjoying each others' company. Feasting together, playing board games, sharing stories, talking pretty much non-stop, laughing & exchanging our (late as usual) Secret Santa gifts - Perfect! As always, the Secret Santas' have oozed with imaginative creativity - much more fun than spending hours & money buying countless gifts. Our rules are: Only spend up to £10 & it should be home made or second hand - just one person to buy for... Simple!!! There is a lovely warm feeling having our gang around us & we feel topped up with love, hugs & fun. There's nothing quite like it! The week before was spent celebrating 3 birthdays... Hugo & Jess both turned 18 & Bebe's birthday was sandwiched between the two - she is now 85. When Bebe moved