
Showing posts from April, 2024

Blog Tweaking

It's nice having the time to update the blog, tweak some of the settings, learn and re-learn how to do a few things! We often think it would be great to write more regular posts as we did some years ago, but book reading has become a much bigger part of our lives - especially as our internet signal is not always great at as we are pet sitting, we really thought we'd be writing more! Instead, we have been venturing out everyday, exploring old haunts and new places with our little chum and we also seem to have taken on a new client! It never ceases to amaze us - how the universe works and what we are all capable of manifesting. We had put the thoughts out there and along came the person we were looking for, so although we wished our work was closer to home - we wonder if deep down inside we are both still very much connected to the Roseland area and so  "home" continues to be here. The intention to unravel ourselves from this part of Cornwall just hasn't h

Animal Attraction

It has been over six months since our last proper pet sit and for no reason other than all our regular clients decided to stay at home over the winter. Financially it's been quite a blow, but we have come to realise that neither of us are drawn to doing holiday let cleaning nor happy to work as employees anymore - it's just not for us and instead, we have made it through the last few months being more frugal than ever and with a little help from our friends - who we are incredibly grateful to! Most of all though, we have missed spending time in the company of all our animal friends, which is the thing that really makes our hearts sing, so now we are here with one of our favourite chums... We adore this beautiful buddy and we have settled into our lives together, even though her routine is no doubt quite different with us...she remembers everything.  We do see her regularly throughout the year and whenever possible we take her out, but life is much nicer when we are together for