
Showing posts with the label Winter Solstice

Where is our Christmas Spirit?

I don't know why, but we're feeling quite disinterested in this year's festivities... We are really struggling to motivate ourselves to look for gifts & write the mountain of cards that we send every year & if it wasn't for the kids - we probably wouldn't celebrate at all! It's not a case of "Bah Humbug", it's more to do with being opposed to the commercialism that takes over this time of year. We have talked for years about the paper & packaging that is just a complete waste of resources & looking at alternatives to Christmas cards, so now as I blog - Sime is writing cards for the final time, complete with messages for folks to send us their email addresses, so next year we can send our own e-card instead... We have never spent lots on gifts & in fact, we usually buy from charity shops for the kids. We also do a "Secret Santa" with our friends & the rule is that it should either be home-made or second-hand &