Being Grateful

We made a pact a few years ago that we would only leave Meadowcroft if we found somewhere really special to live.
One of the most important things featured on both of our lists was to have stunning views, so when we found our French house - the view just blew us away!

We are still waiting for the sale to go through and so far, it's been nine months since our offer was accepted... The notaire discovered a slight glitch in that the terrace was actually owned by a neighbour. It was then agreed that the present owner of the house was to purchase the terrace and shortly before the sale went through the neighbour unexpectedly died... His estate is now being transferred to his brother, who is more than happy to sell the terrace and we have been asked if we would like to continue to wait. 

We are not in any rush and know that our little house will be worth waiting for...  
Maybe the exchange rate will be more favourable by the time we go through the sale and in the meantime - we are making plans and visualising being there. 

We have so much to be grateful for and we feel our lives are changing for the better... Is it the meditating we have been doing every day for the last three months making us see things differently? Or is it to do with the decluttering and simplifying of our lives? Whatever it is, these changes are having a positive impact... 

We have enjoyed giving away stuff and donating to lots of local charities, we love giving of our time and saying yes to everything asked of us. It seems that in return - we keep getting rewarded quite unexpectedly. Here are some of those amazing things...

Just a few days after moving, totally out of the blue - we were contacted by the local youth hostel and offered jobs, we never imagined going back into employment, but decided that we should stick to our guns and say yes... We are very excited about starting next week and are being sent on a little expenses paid trip to Bristol for training. Last week in a Truro supermarket, we were purchasing several items for the food bank and the couple in front of us asked if they could give us their loyalty card points and we accepted graciously. We were at Rose's band's gig a few weeks ago and a guy we've never met before insisted on buying us a drink. He gave us the drinks, then disappeared!
The very nice staff at the Nepalese restaurant we occasionally visit keep giving us complimentary side dishes and a brandy each at the end of our meal. We've had unexpected extra work and gigs come in. Two lots of beautiful friends have moved nearby to Mevagissey and into Meadowcroft... Yes - our old house is now home to a lovely, lovely family and we will get to continue being connected. We know they will have so much fun living in that fabulous house and are really happy for them and our old landlord and family... It has all worked out perfectly!
One of the biggest surprises we have had has come from our friend, Richard who is flying us out to celebrate his birthday in Canada next month and we are incredibly grateful, thrilled and so excited!!!

We really feel blessed and we adore this truly lovely chap!


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