
Showing posts with the label Cabin Folk

Cabin Life

We have been in the cabin for 4 months and it is wonderful to think that we are just a few weeks away from spring, not that we are wishing our lives away - because we absolutely love this cosy little place and as serial hibernators, we are very happy to be warm and snug. Choosing to live simply has exceeded our expectations and we have been on this journey since leaving Meadowcroft 4 years ago.  Our time at Cotna Eco Retreat  gave us a great grounding and enabled us to start preparing for this...outdoor facilities, mud and nature!  Simple rural living can be a challenge in the winter, but we are strong and more resilient than ever, which feels so good. We are doing exactly what we have dreamed of for many years... One of many lovely messages left behind by the previous cabin dwellers. Here we keep our recipe and natural health books...we are very passionate about food and nutrition, as you may know and seeing this message everyday has probably had quite an impact on us....

Our Cosy Cabin

Our cabin looking cosy from outside. It has been stormy all day today and right now we have gale force winds and the torrential rain continues, but we are experts at Hygge and feel so happy and grateful to be indoors, to be dry, warm and snug.. We have a pot of lentil dhal bubbling on the stove... And both kitties are snoozing. Floobs is on the kitchen worktop tonight... While Tiky is sticking with the table! The woodburner is crackling away and we have plenty of dry wood. Hope you too are keeping warm, dry and grateful for everything you have. Lots of love, Kay and Sime xx  


  The joys of tiny home living. Our furry friends sneakily end up in places we'd prefer them not to be, which is mainly the bed or the kitchen table. The trouble is they just don't care what we say and they know that if they persevere - we will end up giving in! We do make allowances for our old chap, Floobs (Flea) and how can we treat young Tiky differently? So they both get away with doing whatever they want, though it is a relief at the moment that they have both moved on from sleeping on the bed, which caused us to have a few disturbed nights with Floobs desperately trying to sleep between us or on Sime's pillow and Tiky on our feet... Both purring loudly! They are now going through a kitchen phase and leave us to sleep solidly, which we are very thankful for. We are also grateful that they continue to be fine with each other and we can leave them in together when we go off to work - They love the cabin as much as we do!  When Lupe died last year, we never imagined that...