
Showing posts with the label Health

The Year Of Buying Nothing

This year we have vowed not to buy anything other than food & really essential things. This also stands for both of our birthdays, so we've got to be creative. Mine's coming up soon & I've asked Sime to write me a story & make me a meal consisting of several courses. Though saying that, I'm not sure whether I could eat several courses anymore... Maybe it would have to be tiny courses! What we hadn't contemplated - is that our vegan diet would make us lose weight... The trousers I've been wearing today are now a couple of sizes too big & hanging off me, so because I really don't want to go down the road of buying more - Sime has sewn a couple of tucks in them for me tonight. Where has that flesh gone to? It's not like I'm working out - though I suppose we are more active. When I first became ill with Graves Disease, I lost about 3 stone & looked dreadful (as everyone kept telling me). The disease causes muscle wasting, which lef

On The Go

I've been on the go since 6.45 this morning... I made bread dough for 12 rolls, as it was Hugo's home ed group today & it was our turn as volunteers this week.  We have to set off early to get cheap parking for the day & for the first time since helping out at the group - it really wasn't a chore to get up & get things done! Once at the group we were non-stop, but we were organised - lunch was ready early (we made a big pan of vegetable soup to go with my rolls). The kids were chilled & we were too... Since getting home, we made a feast of salads, vegetables & home made soya pulp burgers. Sime went off to band practice & I've just carried on... I've made 2 loaves, a litre of almond milk, washed all our laundry & lovingly (hahaha) draped it on the airers in the spare room. I continue to astonish myself with the amount of stuff I've become capable of doing - is it what we're eating or what we're not eating? Well whatever it is