This Morning's View

It's actually been warm enough to eat breakfast outside...

We just want to make the most of the sunshine - though do have a huge house clean to do today.
A clean that I really am not keen on, but Sime thinks we should continue with...  
And just because we're totally insane, we're going to meet a potentially new customer in a few minutes.

Linking up with Jane's View From My Window.

The perfect time to be here...
Blue skies, warm sunshine & just the sound of birds singing!

A gorgeous view (in my opinion) through our rather grubby dining room window!
Sime's finally hacking back the poor lilies.

Gloopy porridge for brekkie...

And a cuddly kitty loving the sunshine...

They both love us being outside with them...

We've got dandelions everywhere, which I'm hoping our lovely landlord won't mow down before we get a chance to pick them - he thinks he's helping us out by keeping the grass down & making it look nice for guests, but we want to make wine...

It's going to be a long day & we don't expect to be home until tonight...

Hope you're all having a warm & sunny week!

Love Kay (& Sime)


  1. Look at you all enjoying that lovely sunshine. Wonderful!!
    Sunshine certainly lifts the spirits.
    xo Catherine

    1. Thanks Catherine - hope you have some sunshine too... Have a great weekend!

      Love K&S xx

  2. I love that photo of your sitting area, I don't think I've seen that view before, what a lovely sunny place to sit.
    I'm making your nettle soup recipe tonight (and yes I will remember to take the bay leaf out LOL).

    1. It's nice, but gets a bit breezy most of the time - we've really missed sitting out...

      Hope you enjoy the soup - have a great weekend!

      Love K&S xx

  3. We make dandelion wine every year. Do you make dandelion syrup too ? It's noisy with birds here it!
    Jane x

    1. We've never made it, but have wanted to for years & promised ourselves that we'd make some this year, though Sime's leaning more towards dandelion beer instead... Syrup sounds a nice idea - need to check that out!

      Have a lovely weekend!

      Love Kay & Sime xx


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