
Village Of Longevity

We follow a thing on facebook called  Meat Free Monday , which is run by Paul McCartney (not that we are fans), but we borrowed the idea for a community cafe - which we ran with our friends, Sheila & Margaret for a few months until we all found it too tiring with everything else we do...  This is the idea behind meat free days: The UK’s Food Climate Research Network suggests that food production from farm to fork is responsible for between 20-30 percent of global green house gas emissions.  Livestock production is responsible for around half of these emissions. The more meat we produce and eat the bigger that carbon footprint will get. A sustainable future demands that we cut down - and yet between 1961 and 2007 the world population increased by a factor of 2.2, but meat consumption quadrupled, and poultry consumption increased 10-fold. As a result the United Nation’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has concluded that the livestock sector is ‘one of the top two or thre

Unwelcome Visitors

Yesterday was one of those days... A day of hard, physical work - cleaning up a house that was filthy after a week's holiday. The guests left seven bin liners worth of rubbish, some in the outside dustbins, some in the house & some all over the garden... They had left some bags outside & the seagulls enjoyed a feast! It took us three hours between us to clean up the mess & bag it all up - that's before we even started to clean the house...  At 7pm last night, we gave up & came home! These dirty scumbags left the house in a terrible state & on seeing it - I just wanted to walk back out, but Sime persuaded me to stay & between us we have nearly restored the house & by the end of the weekend - it'll be ready for the next lot... It still amazes me that people don't care about anything other than themselves, they don't recycle, they don't think about all the junk they buy & it doesn't bother them that they are throwing good food

A Piece Of Cornwall

Another day off, so we thought we would explore more of the Lizard... And even though the weather forecast sounded bad... It actually turned out to be hot again! We decided to have a look at the Eastern side of the peninsula...  So from Falmouth - we headed to St Keverne. Where we found a roadside cottage selling all sorts... Even old cart wheels for £40! Then it was on to Coverack... With it's quaint little harbour. And this lovely old place... Named after a famous lifeboat guy who was based there... And now it's a quirky little takeaway... With outside seats to enjoy the view. A fascinating place.  These were a group of folks going out to do some wind surfing. Then it was back on the road again, passing nearby  Goonhilly Earth Station , which BT closed down last year! The Lizard has lots of thatched cottages. This is the lane down to Cadgwith Cove. A little place where time has stood still... Apart from getting wired to modern technology! A really pretty pl

Rozzy Raspberry

Our beautiful Daughter is 21 today! Little Rose was born at home - watched by her big Sis... It was a fantastic birth & she was greeted with us all singing happy birthday! She had her first holiday at 2 weeks old... Though she wasn't that impressed with Welsh beaches! Her first birthday & getting a taste for chocolate! She adored that little red hat... And even slept with it on! A lovely, caring, generous girl who everyone adores! And she hasn't changed a bit... Rose & Asa have gone to the city of Bath for her birthday... She really has grown up! Happy Birthday Sweetie Pie - we love you very much!!! Momma & Popsy  ♥xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx♥