
Home Based

It feels funny not going away this January... But it's nice - being at home & having time to potter about. Work has thinned out for now & we're glad.  After the shock of losing several properties in November & panicking about lack of money - we realise now that we will make it through the Winter & everything is going to be fine! Of course there is lots to keep us busy... We're preparing one of our en-suite spare rooms ready to use for B&B, so Sime's been busy with paint again & I've had to get our accounts in order - they do get badly neglected when we're out so much & for the first time in 4 years I'd filled in our tax returns & had forgot to post them before the deadline...  Luckily, there was still time to submit them online, but it's been a pain & we've had to pay for the commercial software - which we could have done without! Nevermind, it's all sorted now & we can forget it until next time. We'r

Chums & Chocs

Poor Sal has pneumonia & has been signed off work for another 2 weeks... She's already been ill for over a week! She is very weak, but she has Ryan - who is doing a fine job of nursing her back to good health... And just to help her along - we've taken various supplements over: Vitamin C, Zinc & Propolis- to give her immune system a boost, Acidophilus as she's on antibiotics & Eucalyptus oil to inhale. We also took onions, garlic, thyme, fresh ginger, honey & lemons which are all fantastic in helping the body to recover from respiratory problems. The little chickpeas will be celebrating their 6th anniversary this year! And are very happy, which is lovely! We hadn't realised just how alike Sal & Hugo are! When she's well, Sal wears contact lens & since Rose got a job in the same supermarket - they get mistaken for each other... Rose & Asa just live 5 minutes away from Sal & Ryan, so we visited them afterwards...  But forgot to tak


Our baby girl is poorly! It sounds like Ryan is doing a fantastic job looking after her... But we want to see her & shower her with herbal remedies, fruit & advice! She's not going to like it & probably won't listen...  But she's our little girl... Looking forward to giving you a big hug sweet little Sallness!!! Love Momwah & Poppalopsy ♥ xx ♥

This Morning

After what seems like weeks of wind & rain... I woke this morning to birdsong & sunshine! So I threw open the window to take this... Then quickly got dressed & dashed outside... I hadn't realised how noisy the wind had been until it became peaceful again. Being outside early just made me feel like taking a walk... Sime has been feeling a bit grotty over the last couple of days, so I left him in the land of nod... And took off to the beach...  It's been a while since I've been further than this... But I really wanted to go all the way today... This water comes off the hillside & joins the sea. The beach is on the right... It's like a river at the moment... Our lovely beach... The water is so noisy you can barely hear what I'm wittering on about! The walk back up the winding lane... Nearly home & the sun started to come over the hill... A beautiful start to the day... So glad I did it & am feeling rejuvenated! Kay xx

Eden Project Time of Gifts

Last week we went to the Eden Project's Time Of Gifts Winter Festival. We enjoyed a lovely evening... It rained, but turned out to be warm for this time of year... Inside the Mediterranean Biome...  Hot Air Balloon in the Humid Biome... The Malaysian House in the Humid Biome... The campfire outside... And Sime with his lantern... (Which he nearly burnt the house down with the other day)! Our video of the music... We loved this song! Enjoy! K&S xx

Freedom Manifesto

From The Idler We've had this poster on our kitchen wall for many years & thought the beginning of a new year is a good time to share it with you... The last days of 2011 have been very busy for us.  Full of great times with family & friends... The Dolphins Fly had a great last gig of the year & are all fired with enthusiasm... And New Year's Eve was fun... Sime joined up with local band Tin Fins in our local village hall & we had a good night. Our Firework Video But I got very drunk... Spent most of New Year's Day in bed... And felt so much better later on... Back to work tomorrow! Kay & Sime xx


Well here we are. The year that our family has been talking about for a long time... We usually stay in & celebrate the new year quietly, but this year Sime has been persuaded to join up with local musicians in performing at the village hall! So we are venturing out for a change & there may even be fireworks on the beach later... We are wishing for a beautiful & positive year ahead.  Filled with laughter, perfect health, peace & happiness for us all. Happy New Year! Love Kay & Sime xx


This week has flown... A whirlwind of food, laughter & lots of talking! Starting out with our Transition Group's Solstice celebration at  Cotna . We loved Sara's holly tree!  As always we all took along food to share... And enjoyed another wonderful feast... We toasted the sun with Patrick's Solstice Sloe Gin... And Sime got his first chance to wear a silly hat! We put our tree up on the Solstice, a real tree which we saved from being shredded & which will provide wood for our fire when we pull it down... Christmas morning we finished off our wrapping & waited for the kids to arrive... (Or in Hugo's case - get up)! Our first prezzie opening session... I think we chose well for Asa!  Happy kidlets... This year we decided to eat in our living room for a change. Sime remembered that we had an extra table & chairs in the garage (like you do) - which he's been itching to sort out ready for our B&B... Rose & Asa will be having a second