

Tonight's sunset after a lovely hot day... And this morning... With Sime's latest quirky addition... No, not Rose's hat... His Euphonium plant pot! It's been hanging on the wall in what we call "The Jam Room" (musical jam rather than the sweet stuff) for years & now it is above the woodburner! Night, night. K&S xx

The Heatwave...

Is here! But we've got to go to work... Hope you're all having a lovely warm weekend! K&S xx

Family, Friends & Falmouth

Yesterday, we arranged to meet up with Scarlet , J, KL...  As well as our tribe at Miss Peapod's  in Penryn. It's an ideal place to sit & chat...  Which we did again for another 3 hours! Our kidlets had breakfast & Sal had to go off to work... Rose & Asa then took Hugo off to see their new flat... Sime's breakfast  - wilted spinach & mushrooms on toast, with beans & chutney! We were going to park & float into Falmouth afterwards, but it was £16 per car & it was already 2pm... So we parked in town - £3.50 for 3 hours. Sime got a bit snap happy... An electric road/litter cleaning machine - you can tell we don't get out much! "And it was this big..." An ancient Falmouth by-law states that all dogs must be wheeled. Falmouth Harbour Would you want to eat here? Scarlet bargain hunting... A lot drier this week...  Scarlet, KL & J. How about that for colour co-ordination? Our summer outfits of course... We had a fab day, S

Blue Skies...

We had some sunshine over the weekend... Which we got a glimpse of between jobs... Portmellon Mevagissey On Sunday we even managed a picnic at Pendower... Which is on The Roseland... The roundhouses at Veryan... Melinsey Mill   A favourite place...  The owners are lovely people & they've missed Sime's silly comments in their visitor's book - as we haven't visited for 2 years... But he made up for it by writing lots!!! There is a little trail around the pond... We rather like this part of the trail...  The teapot walk... It was nice going back... And even nicer to have some sun! Hope you're all having a good week. We've heard there's a heatwave on it's way, but we'll not hold our breath... Seeing Scarlet & family again tomorrow - they are bravely getting the full Smith clan treatment... Wonder if they know what they are letting themselves in for? Kay & Sime xx

Going Dutch

Léah & Jorrik We've had an entertaining few days with the guests who left today. They both have a theatrical background...   Léah is a jazz singer, dance & yoga teacher. Jorrik is a musician, actor & carpenter. Below are videos of their performances... They enjoyed their time here - exploring the coastal paths & beaches... And our evenings have been filled with vibrant conversation, songs & laughter! So far all our guests have left a big impression on us, sharing their lives & filling us with ideas. It is exhausting entertaining lots, but it's interesting to see & hear how others live. We have learnt lots already, but also have taught lots too... We have inspired folks with our bread & beer making, vegan cookery & our simple living - which is lovely! It doesn't take much to make us happy...  But we are very grateful to be meeting so many lovely folks right now! Hope you are all having a good week. Kay & Sime xx

Trebarwith Strand

We had the pleasure of meeting a blog friend & her family yesterday... We suggested we met up at Trebarwith Strand, a tiny seaside hamlet close to Tintagel. It rained heavily the whole time & the stream flowing into the sea was in spate... And more like white rapids! We had found this place on t'internet & thought it sounded nice. We spent 3 hours chatting non-stop & the food was ok, but I was disappointed that they say on their website that the bread is home made, but it didn't seem it to us... Being the greedy guts of the group - Sime & I had cashew nut & celery soup to start, then we had nut burgers - which were quite tasty (but the cheap white rolls were awful)! The cafe owner was a bit loud & abrupt, he also made a little joke about us staying for so long... Anyway, we were so busy chatting that we forgot to photograph the food, but nevermind... It could have been better, so we're not going to give them a plug! So who did we meet? J,

My Chap...

Is 52 today! On July 13th 1986 in The King's Arms in Congleton, I shyly handed over the first of many birthday cards.  If anyone had said that evening that we would go on to marry, have 3 beautiful children, be living in Cornwall, have our own business & be wonderfully happy... I would have thought they were mad! Happy Birthday to the man I adore! I prefer your version...  Lots of love, snugs, cuds, hugs & kisses. KT xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Whilst in Truro today... We visited this cafe for the first time... And loved it! Lunch  is located on one of the many alleys... This one is called Tonkins Ope! Upstairs we had the place to ourselves... And were able to peruse 'Private Eye' & 'National Geographic Green' magazine - which was nice! Tasty houmous & salad sandwiches... And the best coffee ( & decaf ) in town! Two very happy diners! Just can't believe we've not ventured in before today... But we'll definitely be going back! K&S xx

Docker Teeth

Arinna & Giles We are feeling very lucky to have shared our house again with such lovely people! Over the last 6 days these guys have been a big part of our lives... We have eaten together, talked until late & laughed lots.  Last night we said our goodbyes with sadness & hope that one day we will get to visit them in Canada! This morning we had to leave early for our home education group & on our return we had a fantastic surprise - a block of vegan chocolate & a beautiful card! "Thank you deeply for providing such a great place to stay! We have felt so welcome and loved hanging out with you guys, sharing stories about shit, dockers, ghosts, nut cases, adventures...And on and on!  An enriching experience for us to meet two 'switched on' people who are doing good in the world. The food you provided for us was just fabulous! The beer/beverages were also magic... Really, the house here provided such a good base for our travel adventure around the Cornw

Our First Official Guests

Marcus & Ruth We feel very lucky that our first guests were lovely & have kick-started our B&B experience, making it such a positive & enjoyable time! Although Ruth & Marcus are much younger than us, we have been inspired by their enthusiasm for veganism & the way they live their lives. Their knowledge is incredible & it is so wonderful that they have found ways to share what they know through education & a radio show ! Meeting such compassionate people, who are generous, sharing & giving. Who are completely mindful of everything they do, is absolutely wonderful. We hope there are lots of people just like Ruth & Marcus around the world, but are very grateful for them coming into our lives & making us think about the way we live. We had the most perfect start doing B&B & hope that we have many more guests who are equally great! Here's what they've said about  us . Thank you guys  for being the perfect guests, for th

Birthday Buddy

Little Rozzy Raspberry was 22 yesterday!  Not really so little any more... It has been a joy to watch Rose blossom with confidence over the last year. You can read about her  here ,  here  &  here ... And she still has a taste for choccie! Our sweet girl is one of the loveliest, kindest, thoughtful people we know! Happy Birthday beautiful chickpea!!! Lots of love, hugs, snugs & cuds, Momwah & Popwah xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx