
Alzheimer's and Diet

Food for thought! Kay & Sime xx

Daymer Bay

We took the day off yesterday & were thrilled to have chosen the right day for a day out... We used to visit this area lots with the kids, as Daymer was our nearest beach when we lived in North Cornwall. We really needed to be out in the sun & get away from home for a bit...   So we had a thoroughly enjoyable day! Kay & Sime xx

Emergency Sweet Treat

50g Dates - chopped 50g Carob Powder (flour not the gritty stuff) 100ml Plant Milk Heat in a saucepan for about 10 minutes on low. If it needs to be a quick dessert, just whizz up & you'll have a lovely sauce (which I have been known to just eat from the pan) or put into the fridge & it becomes more like a mousse or fudge icing. Tonight, I added: 1 heaped teaspoon of pure almond butter, zest of a small orange, splash of bourbon whiskey (you can use 1/2 teaspoon vanilla essence if preferred), a few oats & a sprinkle of cinnamon.  Dessicated coconut, peanut butter, chopped nuts, chia seeds are all good too. Whizz with a hand blender & dollop onto a tray.  Leave for at least an hour & you'll have gooey, but healthy truffles! Makes about 12. Enjoy! Kay xx

Stuffed Butternut Squash

Tonight's dinner... Butternut squash stuffed with yellow split peas, hazel nuts & mushrooms, served with roast potatoes, baked cauliflower & steamed kale. Delicious & filling! Kay & Sime xx

The Drugs Don't Work

We experienced a lovely side to Bebe earlier in the week, she seemed fairly happy & content, but over the last few days - she has been back to normal. Dwelling on the past & worrying about the future are her main topics... We go through periods of trying to distract her - treading lightly to keep her happy, though more often than not we get drawn into this incredibly frustrating loop & end up asking her to stop!  We have an appointment this coming week with her GP, there really doesn't seem any need in carrying on with the new drugs, but we'll see what the doc has to say. Poor Bebe - her enjoyment of life is getting less & less & there's nothing we can do.  Kay & Sime xx

Spaghetti Pie

We threw the leftovers from the previous night's dinner - spaghetti, sweetcorn sauce & watercress houmous into an oven dish. Topped it with breadcrumbs & served it up with baked potatoes & some steamed M&S non-organic broccoli (left by guests in the holiday home we look after). We had worked on the house for over 6 hours, stopping only for fruit & nuts, but by the time we got home - we were craving some stodgy food. We never eat potatoes with pasta, but last night we were so hungry... It all looks a bit bland, but it tasted great & we felt loads better once we'd re-fuelled!  Kay & Sime xx 

Weekend Viewing

Healthy Approaches to Weight Control, Reversing Diabetes, and the Best of Health with Dr Neal Barnard. Please watch & learn how easy it is to turn your life around... Hope you are having a good weekend! Kay & Sime xx