
In The Flow

There is real joy to be found when life takes you on interesting paths and you suddenly realise you are now doing that very thing you dreamed about. When you think back to those first ideas many moons ago, you had no way of knowing how to get there, so you either gave up or worked hard to make it happen. As most of you know...we don’t work hard! Striving for something doesn’t always seem healthy, it can become an obsession and will eventually separate you from the now...from connecting with life in the present moment. We prefer a much more pleasant journey, exploring the little winding lanes which lead us in different directions and make life more interesting...the destination is set in our minds and we know that we’ll get there eventually! This is how we live and travel - we always end up having little adventures on the’s what life should be all about. Our dreams take shape from ideas and then long discussions (we can easily talk for hours and hours). We both get

Complimentary Cabin Kitty

This is our new friend Tiky, we agreed to become his guardians when we took on the cabin, but as usual with us...his name has morphed and over the weeks he has become known as Tickety Boo! This beautiful chap is such a sweet natured kitty, who has calmly put up with the upheavel of his family leaving, spent 2 weeks more or less living in the workshop and to top it all – these strangers move in and with another cat!!! We are so happy that he has accepted us all...he and Floober (our old boy, Flea) growled a couple of times at each other while eating and now are happy to be close and can even be left together in the cabin for many hours. It’s funny really, we had both decided a while ago that we would not be taking any more cats in...but we agreed to having Tiky without hesitation. Our unexpected bonus. How lucky we are to be sharing our lives with yet another gentle soul.   ♥♥♥

Where are We?

  It’s 3 weeks since we finally moved into the cabin. We are still upside down...well that’s not quite true, there is now some space and order to where our things live and we are gradually making the cabin our home. We are also getting closer to realising a dream we first had over 30 years ago - to live off-grid and have our own power supply. At the moment, we are reliant on mains electricity for our fridge, lighting, radio and a few kitchen appliances...blenders, grinders, etc, as well as charging devices. We don’t have internet and thought we’d see how we get on without it in the cabin and instead just continue to use a communal area on the farm to catch up with the outside world. We don’t have a phone signal in or outside the cabin either, which means we do feel a bit cut off, but pleasantly so. I’m pretty sure we have written before on the blog about our desire to live off-grid...we are planning to have solar panels and I’m pushing for a small wind turbine. The cabin is s


We are in the middle of moving house. Our move is fairly simple as we gave away most of our big furniture when we left Meadowcroft...nearly 4 years ago! We don't need a van or a company to help pack. We are just getting on and doing it rush, just a slow move. As always, we make time to sit still, take in the views, breathe and remain eternally calm. Life can be this simple. So why do many people make it complicated? Try to enjoy some quiet time each day, it's such a lovely thing to do. Love Kay and Sime xx

New Home

For some strange reason Blogger has decided to censor this lovely quote from James Allen... If anyone out there can tell us why, we would be very grateful.   Cherish your visions;  Cherish your ideals;  Cherish the music that stirs in your heart,  The beauty that forms in your mind,  The loveliness that drapes your purest thoughts,  For out of them will grow all delightful conditions,  All heavenly environment;  O f t hese, if you but remain true to them,  Your world will at last be built. ~ James Allen ~ We have written many posts about how we have always spent time together "scheming an' a dreaming". We still have the book we wrote our list of 101 goals from over 10 years ago and we are always pleasantly surprised when we dig it out that we can tick off a few more! Amongst the completed goals we have: Live by the sea  Own a house in France Live on a mountain Live in a wooden house Grow our own vegetables Recently, we thought again about living in a wood cabin...influen

Love and Kindness

We celebrated our 33rd wedding anniversary a few weeks ago and while out for a walk on the coast path that afternoon - we spotted this heart shaped sunlight coming through the clouds... And then this pebble on the beach! Our focus for the day was very much on our relationship and our connection to nature. It just goes to show how we can see and hold exactly what we are thinking about!!! We work at focusing on the good in our lives and we let go of the rest. It really does make a difference to how we deal with everything and see the world around us. We also wanted to share this video with you of Dr David Hamilton, speaking in 2018 about kindness, hugs and oxytocin. Being kind is wonderful, it brings joy to the lives of many.  It's not about giving yourself a pat on the back, but feeling the genuine love of doing something spontaneous.  Spend time with humans and animals you adore.  Take time out each day to spend in nature. Find ways to show kindness. Love and kindness makes for gre

Time For Change

New opportunities have presented themselves again and the time has come for us to move on. Since coming to Cornwall in 2002, we have lived in some amazing homes and have promised ourselves over the years that we will continue to stay and live in places with beautiful views. We love the view from the kitchen door here and this will always stay with us...especially early mornings and seeing the sunrise. This year has been quite wonderful for us...being in the right place at the right time.  We have found joy in gardening...preparing beds, growing vegetables and fruit, as well as clearing and weeding.  Enjoying the peace of the Cornish countryside, connecting with nature and continuing to slow down.  We are both absolutely committed to this way of simply and eating well.  With this in mind, we are moving again - staying in Cornwall and becoming the new guardians of a quirky little cabin in a community of lovely folks. We are looking forward to having our own little space wit