
Showing posts with the label Cats

Sunny Sunday Morning

                                                                                                                It was a beautiful day again yesterday... So we took the opportunity to eat our porridge outside! Our house & garden... Our lovely landlord mows our lawn, as he likes it just so! The Luppy Boy. He loves us being outside... So does Flea. Sime's delicious porridge! Oh dear - it was a bit bright... Nothing like being sneaked up on - when you've just got out of bed... I still managed a smile though! Hope the weather's good wherever you are... Kay :)

The Best Medicine

We came home from work this afternoon & inside the house, we could see...  Flea sitting in his favourite spot - the plant pot in the window!  Last night's dinner - cottage pie... Made from green split peas, chopped walnuts & mushrooms. Topped with Sime's mashed potatoes & served with steamed broccoli & carrots. All organic & we added a couple of dollops of miso to the mixture, before putting it in the oven. A regular event at meals times - Hugo & Sime end up in hysterics... Can't remember what they were talking about, but Sime just lost it... He carried on... And on... And on... (He's just a nut case, but a happy nut case)! A more serious chap today. He's been practising band #2's music, ready for his second rehearsal with them tonight! Although he's a bass player, he finds it easier to use his acoustic guitar to play along to the band's CD. So I was serenaded, while making food for the freezer... Forgot to take photos, but ma

Feeling Grateful

It's so lovely to be home... Being with our furry friends... Flea "high" on Catnip. Our big bear of a cat has missed his Daddy! Lupin is such a lovely boy! The sun came out to play yesterday... And made the sea look beautiful. Our quiz team (We called ourselves "The Winning Team") lost by one point... But we still enjoyed our evening... Especially the musical interlude with "The Mevagissey Quartet".  Their songs, mostly about growing up in Mevagissey had beautiful harmonies! Us - trying to be serious! I like my little camera phone - Sime found it in a hedge down the lane 3 years ago. We thought it was no good as it was full of moisture, but 1 year later - we discovered it had dried out. We tried a sim card from an old phone & hey presto - it worked!!!  Sime always has to spoil things... Looking forward to some nice things this week:  Having a gathering of kidlets & spending some time with our family - which is always nice!   Home ed

No Impact Week

Yesterday was our first day of our No Impact Experiment - here's some info from YES magazine, which explains all about it: We've thought about consumption, things we can cut down on or cut out altogether - we're pretty sorted with that one & don't really do a great deal of purchasing, none of us are into fashion & we wear our clothes until they can no longer be repaired, most of which are from charity shops. Our furniture is mainly second hand or really old & we're not into gadgets (although we do have computers). We have a very old television that we can watch DVDs on, but we don't have a TV signal. We have an old radio from the early 1960s, which allows us to listen to Radio Cornwall or Irish & French stations! We also have an old record player

Smithlets & Co

We've had many comments over the years about how close we are as a family & how respectful we are of each other. It's also been suggested to us that we write a book about how we've raised our kids, but the problem with that is - we have no idea what we have done that's so different to other families... Sal is our eldest, born in a hospital in Cheshire (because the consultant insisted I was too young to have a home birth), but she was at the home births of her siblings! She's a life vegetarian, was home educated from 11 - 17, is very independent, motivated & organised, gets stroppy when she's hungry, left home when she was 19 (to live with her boyfriend), takes great photographs, likes growing vegetables & wears colourful clothes. Rose is our second born, arrived at home to the tune of "Happy Birthday" (which her big sis loved)! She was at the birth of her brother & is also a life veggie, home educated from 9 - 17, she's a thinker