
Showing posts with the label Weather

Fog & Family

We've had gloomy fog here today... And warm sunshine in Falmouth this afternoon. Sal & Ryan were visiting from Bristol for the day, so we enjoyed a catch up! Night, night. Kay & Sime xx

Work, Weather, Window Views & Night Walking

Hello everyone & sorry for our absence... We've had lots of guests in over the last 2 weeks & done 14 house cleans in 8 days... Just crazy! Then there's been meetings, home education group, college open evening, as well as squeezing in a nice night out...  It's all been very exhausting, so we're treating ourselves to an overnight staycation tomorrow - leaving Hugo to man the fort.  Lots of our guests keep telling us to try out  Airbnb  for ourselves & that's what we're doing. At some point soon, we'll hopefully find time to book our winter holiday with the kidlets - our sealed pot is filling up & mainly from generous guests & customers.  See  Saving For Travel's blog  for more info. We've had mixed weather this week, quite stormy & cold at the beginning, but on Wednesday night the sky cleared & the sun came out again... Amazingly, it's been out ever since! Better late than never... Linking up wi...

Is Spring Here?

Today has been a beautiful day... View from our garden. Sunset was around 6.30pm here today. Our clocks go forward tonight, so the sun will be setting after 7.30pm... Yippee! The daffs are on their last legs... The kitties love us being in the garden... Beautiful Fleaby! We've got quite a bit of tidying up to do... We've been surprised to see garlic growing from being planted 2 years ago... Lupe by the computer again... Sime engrossed... Tired me... It's been a long week! Our unplugged day tomorrow - I'm hoping to get some crocheting done, we also want to go nettle gathering... Though we still have guests to look after, so we shall see! We actually have 4 days off cleaning work - which is nice... We fell in love with this song, which is the theme tune from the French film, Paris - Seize The Day by Wax Tailor. It feels spring like... Hope you like it! Night, night. Kay & Sime xx

Weird Weather

Just a quickie to say hello - we're still here! We've had several weeks of guests staying which has been wonderful & this week, we have lots of work preparing for the imminent holiday season, as well as lots of get-togethers with family & friends. So we are very busy & feel like we haven't had a normal evening at home for a long time... Today we have a huge clean to do, a beautiful large house on the cliff edge & we did say we'd be there for 9am... But we're struggling to get our act together! Anyway, here's our views from 2 weeks ago & today - linking up with  Jane's Thursday View . The lilies were beginning to thrive... But the weather got cold... And foggy... Two weeks on & enduring our first morning of frost last week... The lilies are struggling to survive. This may be the second time in 8 years that they've not bloomed... It's cold, wet, dark & windy today... Last ...

Long Journeys & Views From Our Windows

We have had a crazy few days... A dash up to Stoke where the weather was a little different to home. Yesterday's view from our hotel... Bebe & a smiling Sime... We have had lots to do - went up to visit & do stuff, talked about Bebe moving down to Cornwall, but after 2 days of long hours together, we really feel unsure about caring for her full time. We did it for Nan, but are we ready to do it all over again? You need a huge amount of patience with someone who has dementia & Bebe's is progressing the same way as Nan's... For now, her care package just about covers her needs & we'll just keep reviewing it.  As we set off from Stoke at 3pm yesterday, the temperature had climbed up to 2C & travelling down the country we noticed it getting warmer - arriving in Cornwall last night it was a rather nice 10C! We had lovely sunshine this morning... And the lilies are thriving! It has been a fraught, tiring few days t...

View From Our Window

Linking in with  Jane  again today. This morning in Boswinger! The birds sound like they are enjoying the calm, after the winds of the last few days... Hope all is well with you. Coming very soon are posts about Exeter & some rather good meals out! Kay & Sime xx

Thursday View

We are linking up with  Jane  for the Thursday view. Except, it was such a lovely afternoon yesterday - we thought we'd take some photos early... Lupe sitting on the dining room window ledge - enjoying the last hour of sunshine. Though it was still very cold with the chilly wind!  The view from the window seat next to our dining table. The sitting room window. View from our guest room's back window... And from the side window. The view from our bedroom this morning... Our window ledge is where Lupe enjoys being in the summer.  He likes showing off to folks coming & going down to the beach! Have a lovely Thursday. Kay & Sime xx

Revolving Door

We have had an incredibly crazy week, full of mixed emotions - good times & very sad times... Hugo's birthday was great fun & although he'd gone off on Friday to join in celebrating his friend's birthday & vowed to be returning with 4 friends on Saturday - he actually turned up with 9!   Luckily, we are laid back & it just meant making extra food. He didn't want to do anything in particular, just hang out... So we fed them chilli, rice & cornbread, they went off to the beach & got a camp fire going, but soon returned - as it was so cold! Some of the loveliest young people you could wish to meet! Rose & Asa joined us too - which was great! Although some of them were up until 6am & we did hear them now & again - we would enjoy having them over again!  A couple of them didn't want to leave, which was sweet - so may be a summer get-together will be on the cards...  Hugo's a big fan of Victoria Sponge C...