
Busy Bees

We seem to have been zooming around  all over the place just lately... Working, time with the kidlets, meetings & seeing friends.  The weather is constantly changing, so we've found ourselves wrapped up in too many layers, not warm enough or soaked to the skin... We've had far too many late nights & early mornings, but it's been lovely! Here's a look at the last week... A meal at Olive in Truro. Not really good enough for the price... And we were soon hungry again! But we got to see the girlies! Lad's & dad's time... Probably talking complete nonsense as usual! Dark & cloudy day... Storm coming in... Warm & sunny breakfast time... Porridge with blueberries. My lovely little coffee pot. Our garden... This is Sea Breeze - it spreads all over the place & I love it! So does this little chap... Organised chaos - our laundry room. AKA Nan's room. The photo doesn't show the huge bags all over the floor! Bored & tired o

Snakes In A Bin

Our garden this morning... Kidlets close your ears - Momma says some naughty words...  (It was Dad's fault!) Even after years of pranks, Sime can still catch me out, but he knows... I'll get him back!!! Kay & Sime xx

When Everyone Runs, Stand Still

We continue to feel surprised by the amount of folks who say we inspire them... Whether it's due to the way we are with our kidlets and each other, the way we live, home education, being self employed or what food we eat... We are just us.   One of the people who has inspired us is  Donald Watson , we first read about him when Sime joined The Vegan Society in 1994 & since then we have thought lots about getting older & finding ways to stay as healthy as possible. People around us are committing suicide with the food choices they make & either don't realise or don't care about the consequences. We've been told again & again by some of these folks that they would rather die young & eat whatever they want, than give up everything they love just to live longer! These same people believe we are denying ourselves to the point of misery just in hope that we'll live a few more years...  Hahaha! Being vegan isn't just about

Eden Project

On Monday we managed to get Hugo up early, so we could spend a few hours at Eden . It was lovely, sunny & incredibly hot in the biomes... 100s of coins thrown into the waterfall! We love Education Otherwise's  Logo. School Is Not Compulsory.   We walked up to the  Rainforest Lookout  last year... Baobab Smoothie with coconut milk & fresh mint - it was really good! A bird feasting on papaya... A cool breeze at the entrance to the rainforest biome! Vegan strawberry sorbet A chap having a massage in the Med biome... The olive oil trail... The stage is being prepared ready for the Eden Sessions . A beautiful bee! The vegan grub was also gluten free... Sime's piled up plate (of course). We had an aubergine spiral thing which was just ok, new potatoes & salad... We found it all a bit dry really, so the bowl of leek & oatmeal gloop  soup we shared, also got used as a sauce! The mugs above the tables... They provide jugs of wa