
We're having another incredibly busy week...
 But are hoping that things will calm down for us soon.

A bit late for this really, but better late than never.
We're linking up with Jane's View From My Window...

On Thursday, we were out working all day. 
One of the jobs was our final clean at a house we have decided to quit taking care of.

The last time we'll see this view...
It's been a bumpy old road with this one & we're happy to be saying goodbye.

We also have one other that we will be finishing in a few weeks time - a job that takes up a lot of our time & energy, when all we really want to do is get our second B&B room up & running, so we feel the moment is right for moving on...

The view from our window.
The lilies are going to be chopped back this weekend & we'll see if they will pick up again.

We desperately need to get some weeding & tidying done.

Blue skies!
It's been lots milder these last few days...

We haven't even had the wood burner in for the last two nights...

Our sitting room with the table & 2 chairs we've bought recently.
(£12 from the Salvation Army Shop)
The beautiful blanket was crocheted by a guest, Cathy who stayed with us last year.
We thought the table would be nice for guests to enjoy a cosy meal for two... But so far everyone just wants to eat with us!

We rarely use the room, but maybe we'll get in there this weekend...

Another rare occasion - Us sharing our window seat... We were a bit knackered!
Second day of full cleans & straight into making 2 course meals at home...
We don't mind though, as we've had fabulous folks staying with us.

Crushing Sime's knees, which is always good fun!

We just have 1 more day of cleans to do & then we've got 2 whole days off again.

We can do it!!!

Have a lovely weekend everyone!

Love Kay & Sime


  1. Congrats on being able to lighten your cleaning load! That's wonderful that you're able to do that.

    Enjoy your upcoming 2 days off!

  2. Fame at last! I'm glad the blanket was well received and was happy to be able to give something back for your outstanding hospitality.
    I'm following in your footsteps - ish. On Monday I go for my induction to become a "home helper" for Age Concern. It's going to be a horrible shock to my system actually having to do housework, but I need this work for a number of reasons, not least of which is that I am turning into a hermit at home by myself all the time. Also, bits of me might start dropping off if I don't get some exercise soon, and this seems like a good way of achieving that. I mean, you two always look fully exercised!
    I'd love to say that I'll see you soon, but to be honest the finances might not allow this year. I'm being ultra careful because the income drop I took looks like being about 70% over the year. I don't regret it, but it does mean that I have to be sensible, drat it!
    Love to you all - don;t work too hard.

  3. I'm late replying!...We had an ice storm which meant 'sporadic' internet.I can't get over how green it is there!
    Jane x

  4. So pleased that you are able to lighten the ' going out to work' load and get the second room up and running. I'm not surprised that guests want to eat with you - you are wonderful people and such good company. Hope you get to sit in that lovely room and relax a bit. x

  5. I love those green walls! Pretty!

    Enjoy your time off!

    xo Catherine

  6. Hope you have a great weekend too. Enjoy a bit of warmth and I'll share some of my sunshine with you. Hugs Sue


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