
Never Too Late

The busy times continue & it's not only work & B&B... In the last two weeks, we've received several calls regarding Bebe.  Firstly, she'd phoned 999 to complain that her electric heater was too hot... So it was suggested that she really needs to be assessed & a week's respite was on the cards... She refused to leave the house, so the carers are providing more support to keep an eye on her. Then we heard she smashed the socket that her heater plugs into & that she keeps turning her central heating off, so Sime asked the social worker to stick a label on the heating & we searched for an electrician. A couple of days later, it's all sorted... Then we get another call, Bebe's kettle has broken... So we've had one delivered today... Just hope everything will be ok now for a bit, although she does have cellulitis in one of her legs & we're struggling to track down the community nurses to find out more!  Yesterday was

Earth Hour 2013

Transition St Goran has been supporting Earth Hour since 2010...  Tonight will be our 4th Earth Hour feast & if it remains dry - we shall be enjoying a Cotna  bonfire, which is always wonderful! We all take along food & drink to share & surround ourselves with lanterns. Really looking forward to seeing everyone - such a lovely way to end a busy day.  Tomorrow, we're going to be helping Sal & Ryan (our eldest & boyfriend) move from Falmouth to Bristol.  So exciting for them both & something they've been wanting for a while...  We shall miss them though! Don't forget to switch off between 8.30 & 9.30pm for  Earth Hour  & we'd love to hear what others are doing.  Enjoy the rest of your weekend! Kay & Sime xx

Weird Weather

Just a quickie to say hello - we're still here! We've had several weeks of guests staying which has been wonderful & this week, we have lots of work preparing for the imminent holiday season, as well as lots of get-togethers with family & friends. So we are very busy & feel like we haven't had a normal evening at home for a long time... Today we have a huge clean to do, a beautiful large house on the cliff edge & we did say we'd be there for 9am... But we're struggling to get our act together! Anyway, here's our views from 2 weeks ago & today - linking up with  Jane's Thursday View . The lilies were beginning to thrive... But the weather got cold... And foggy... Two weeks on & enduring our first morning of frost last week... The lilies are struggling to survive. This may be the second time in 8 years that they've not bloomed... It's cold, wet, dark & windy today... Last

Three Peas In A Pod

Hugo had a meeting at the circus school today, so we decided to all go because it's near to where the girlies both live & we were able to organise a breakfast meet-up! This morning at Jubilee Wharf... The entrance to Miss Peapod's has been decorated. The Smithlets Vegan brekkie, which was really good. Just a shame we'd forgotten to ask them to not put margarine on our toast... The view from our dining room around 5pm today... Can you see the lone daff? Linking up with  Jane  at The Maple Syrup Mob. Daffs in the garden. Fam 5 Poor Rose isn't well, but so glad we managed to see her & give her lots of hugs. Sime's tooth saga continues... Looks like he may have to return to the dentist tomorrow! We have more guests arriving tomorrow, so lots to do... As usual! Bye for now, Kay & Sime xx

Making The Connection

Thanks again for all your comments - Sime's getting there slowly... He was back at the dentist on Monday, as his tooth sockets are quite infected - poor chap! Unfortunately, he believed there would be problems & so they continue... Apart from this, everything is good - Bebe's fine at the moment, we are getting lots of enquiries & bookings for the B&B & tomorrow, we'll be catching up with our lovely girlies - which will be nice!  Rose hasn't been well, so she'll be getting big ma & pa hugs & kisses to make her feel better.  Sal & Ryan are preparing to move to Bristol within the next few weeks, which is very exciting for them - but tinged with some sadness for us... Though we'll no doubt see more of them, as we'll be passing by frequently to go up to Stoke! Tomorrow we promise to post about our Thursday view, but for now - it's dinner time! Came across the link to these on FB earlier, so put the kettle on &am

Chaos, Teeth & Slow Sunday

First of all, thank you all for your comments about Bebe. We've had more stuff to sort out around her this week. Fortunately, from down here this time - but still time consuming.  We are still unsure what the future holds for her & whether she will eventually move down here... Working in social care for many years has left us both with little faith in any residential home. We have both witnessed abuse & neglect & feel it is such a difficult decision to make, we also promised Bebe that we would never put her into a home... On the other hand, she's not keen on moving all the way to Cornwall, so for now - we just hope that she can continue for as long as possible in her own home. We know all there is about vascular dementia, having cared for nan & doing huge amounts of research, but working with a variety of folks - lots with quite challenging behaviour stands us in good stead.  We know what hard, full time work it is & that it will have a big impac

Nearly Forgot...

From Here Happy Valentine's Day! The hot water bottles are in & are calling our names... Nighty, nighty. From the Happy Valenteens. ♥