Getting Back To basics

We've had another very busy week, but we are very happy to be escaping for a few days.

We decided that as it's our Silver Wedding Anniversary on Monday, we should do something a bit different...
So we're going to be staying in a yurt on Bodmin Moor!

It's going to be wonderful...
No computer.
No phone.
No work.

Just time to chill out, enjoy some moorland walks, eat, drink, be merry & have lots of fun!!!

See you when we get back.

Kay & Sime


  1. Congrats on 25 years.
    LOVE the yurt idea! (life got in our way to celebrate our 25th so we have just booked for our 26th - we are staying in a light house) so i was way excited for you re the yurt. Great minds think alike we'd much rather stay alternative than in a posh motel.
    ENJOY enjoy Enjoy!
    Love Leanne

    1. Thanks Leanne - we would love to stay in a lighthouse!

      We loved the yurt so much - we are seriously thinking about buying one to live in (probably when Hugo's left us)!

      Kay :)

  2. Wishing you two a beautiful Anniversary on Monday! Wayne and I are going to Calgary for ours. We will have wireless internet, cell phones and no work. LOL!

    xo Catherine

    1. Thanks Catherine - looks like you had a good time too... We didn't see any tigers, but we did make lots of kitty friends!

      Kay :)

  3. Wishing you the most wonderful time. Love J, L &

    1. Thank you guys - we had a brilliant time!

      Our first proper holiday in years without any kidlets... Strange but very nice!

      Kay :)

  4. Happy 25th - love the yurt idea. Enjoy!!

    1. Thanks Susan - the yurt was fantastic & we loved the campsite too!

      Kay :)

  5. Happy happy anniversary ,guys!
    We got snowed in on our should be OK on Bodmin moor (I hope!!).
    Jane xxx

    1. Thanks Jane - the first day was drizzly & foggy, but then it was glorious sunshine for the rest of the week!
      We'd love to be snowed in... Preferably in a log cabin with a roaring fire!!!

      Kay :)

  6. Hope you have a lovely time in the yurt and Happy Anniversary for Monday. 25 years is worth celebrating. It's our 28th tomorrow - we had a bit of a party 3 years ago.

    1. Thanks Karin - we had a great time & happy 28th to you! It was suggested that we have a 'do' - but neither of us are really party people. We were more or less forced into a reception 2 weeks after our wedding!

      Kay :)

  7. Conrgatulations and heres to many more years together. Kay you look so pretty, but I would not have recognised Sime with all that dark hair LOL
    Enjoy your break, you deserve it!

    1. Thanks Kath - We had to get a special licence because we married within 2 weeks of deciding to do it, so I just wore the frock my mum bought for my 21st & Sime wore his 'Miami Vice' gig gear! Sime's hair got very long after that... Until he became a slap head...

      Kay :)

  8. Happy anniversary to you both! What a great way to celebrate, too. I love yurts! I hope you have a lovely time. :)

    1. Thanks Molly - It was brilliant & we loved the yurt!

      Kay :)

  9. Well done you two. I look forward to hearing about living in a yurt. It's on my bucket list.

    1. Thanks Gai - The yurt was fantastic, but I have to say - our friends have two on their land & they are far more luxurious!

      We shall be posting photos very soon.

      Kay :)

  10. Many Congratulation on your Silver Wedding. It's our 28th on the 15th. I'd love to stay in a yurt but OH is not so keen. On our 27th we went to Guernesey and met a sweet couple who were celebrating their 60th and were reliving their honeymoom to Guernesey.
    Teresa x

    1. Thanks Teresa - congratulations to you too for Saturday.

      Are you doing anything nice?

      Our yurt was like glamping, a step up from being in a tent - there are some fab alternative holiday ideas. Sime fancies staying on a train carriage next...

      Kay :)


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