
Last Night...

It's always nice to get-together with all the kids...  It's also very rare! But last night we managed to all see the old man's band play... Which was a nice thing to do, though I have to admit - I really didn't like the pub! There were certainly a few characters around.  Being country bumpkins - a Friday night in a large town centre pub isn't really my idea of a good time & I just found myself feeling very uncomfortable in that environment, just so glad the kids were there too! There wasn't any trouble, but it felt like there could have been at any time! The band played well, but only the landlady of the pub seemed to really appreciate them. Such a shame for great musicians to play to a disinterested crowd, but that's the way it goes...  I suppose these experiences will only spur the guys on to get what they really want & take a step up to the next level - where they deserve to be!  Here's a video of them performing  California  from last ni

Fat Busters

So far this week - we have cleaned 8 properties... Each clean is thorough, more like a spring clean & our bodies are starting to fight back! We have both been suffering with all sorts of aches & pains, hobbling around, grunting, yawning & laughing hysterically - which is what happens when we're overtired! We did make a discovery last week - we've both lost weight...  We haven't been eating as well as usual, just because we've been working & by the time we've got home - we're too knackered to make anything substantial.  We seem to experience this every holiday season... Eventually our bodies get stronger & we suddenly realise that we have bags of energy & feel really well - can't wait! The only problem is that Sime being even more active than me with his bands (carrying heavy equipment & standing up performing after working all day), has now lost over a stone in weight within two weeks. He's naturally slim & loses weight

Fruit & Nut Cases

We've had lots of messages from folks saying what nutters we are for driving through the waves the other day, though I don't know why I'm included - I didn't want to do it! Saying that - we are used to driving through it, though neither of us have ever seen the sea that high before!  Some years ago, we had a French student staying with us, Sime thought he would like to experience high tide down there, so he took him & Hugo . They decided to take a chance, got out of the car, went up to the water's edge & then realised that a massive wave was about to hit them, they ran & jumped behind the wall of the end house.  Needless to say - the wave shot over the wall & the three of them ended up drenched! We've also heard stories of cars being swept away in that very cove - which is why the bollards are there... Anyway, Sime wouldn't have taken a chance if he thought we were in danger...  We really have to get to bed now.  We have an early start tom

Shhhh... It's Business Time

I'm actually supposed to be sending out invoices right now, but as Sime's busy pottering about - I thought I could sneak in a quick blog... Working out invoices is just boring & means using my brain, so some light relief is needed! I said last night that we'd upload the film from yesterday & after a visit to the Eden Cafe - we've now got it on to Youtube. I didn't realise at the time of filming that our chattering would be picked up so clearly!!! And guess what was playing in the CD player at the time? Yes - yet another Dolphins song! A recording done in Mart's shed during a recent practice... It's proved to be a very good soundtrack! You may all think that we only listen to The Dolphins Fly, but today we dug out one of our Flight Of The Conchords CDs & have laughed so much again. Here is one of my favourite songs: Well it is Wednesday... Enjoy! Kay :)

Late Night Waffle

It's going to be very exciting next week - when we switch over to our new ISP... Just hope all our signal problems will be resolved. At the moment, every day is different - some days we can get on to a few websites, other days it's just emails, so looking forward to having a little continuity back!  We've just decided that a trip to the local internet coffee shop may be needed tomorrow... As amongst other things, we have a son-out-law who needs to be wished happy birthday (Ryan, if you see this - sorry you know what we're like... Prezzie & card will be hand delivered on Friday :) Have a lovely day matey)!!! Anyway, Sime thinks folks will find this video funny... Us Being Us Anyone would think we've got nothing better to do! It gets worse.. Yes - I am married to an insane man! The other thing we have to do is upload a film we took today & frustratingly can't get it on...  The weather has changed drastically here & today it's been very windy

New Camera!

We've had another busy weekend - So this is just a quickie... Just want to show off our new Sony compact camera - which I've used at Sime's gigs. Have put a few videos on Youtube, but this one has come out the best. Enjoy & night, night! Kay :)               

Big Day Tomorrow

We're going to be working all day & then it's the first gig of a triple header weekend for Sime! So after work, we'll be off to Wadebridge...  Hopefully, some friends will join us there - which will be lovely, as we haven't seen them for nearly 2 years! There's 30 miles between us & we all have busy lives, but when we get together - we just pick up from where we left off.  We've also got a new camera to try out - which will be fun! We've worked long hours again today, though managed a lunch break in the sun.  The local farmer says the weather is about to turn, but Sime's refusing to believe it! We'll just have to see what tomorrow brings... Time for bed. Kay & Sime xx

Sticky Finger Syndrome

We are loving this hot weather!!! But even Sime was finding it a bit too hot this morning... And unfortunately, work keeps getting in the way, but we are managing to eat outside & grab a few minutes here & there in the sun - it's wonderful! The holiday makers from hell have been & gone, leaving a trail of rubbish & finger prints for us to clean up. One of the houses we look after has recently been refurbished & kitted out with Laura Ashley soft furnishings & bed linen, but their first guests - a family with 4 boys under the age of 7 have more or less wrecked the place! It never ceases to shock us how disrespectful some people are & we feel terrible having to report the damage to the owners, though they just don't learn - if they're going to rent their homes out through an agency, they really shouldn't leave anything of value in the house. We did a linen change at the house with the 4 boys, as they stayed for 2 weeks & they were just ru

Tired, Frozen & Hungry

This morning we didn't have to rush off to work - as some of our private cleans are afternoon jobs.  Although we have got a couple of holiday lets to prepare for next week, we just wanted a few hours at home to catch up with laundry, bread making, etc - so it's been good, but it will mean we'll be extra busy next week! It's always nice to start the day without the alarm, but we were surprised to wake quite early - though probably due to the warmth & bright sunlight shining through our window...   This weather is unbelievable & the area is packed with holiday makers, which on these little lanes - causes lots of hold-ups, but it is nice for these folks to have good weather - very often school holidays are cold & wet! Last night we watched the film 'The Hurt Locker' which is about a bomb disposal team in Iraq & Sime, being the concerned chap that he is - figured that he should contact the Ministry of Defence to tell them that he'd worked out a

Miserable? Not Us

  Our work continues to get busier...  This time last year was still fairly quiet, but right now - all the property owners have been in touch within days of each other & either they are coming over Easter or they've had last minute bookings...  We can't believe how we seem to have suddenly been catapulted into full on work & yesterday we were out of the house for 11 hours, it's almost like the Summer holiday season! So now I'm starting to get concerned that we're not going to cope - our diary is filling up & the phone keeps ringing with even more work.  We usually go quiet again for a short while after Easter, although if this good weather continues - folks will be flocking to Cornwall, instead of holidaying abroad. For the last 3 years, I've done all the bookkeeping, but it may be time to think about getting an accountant on board, well it would be nice & we're always going round in circles about employing people... I would prefer to kee

Festival Season Begins

Another busy day yesterday... We had three holiday properties to prepare for guests & then had to drive over 40 miles to a festival in the West of Cornwall - where Sime's band were performing. We have friends who live near there, so they joined us too - which made for an enjoyable evening! The guy behind the festival is known as Bones & this was his way of showing folks the way! Our friends' Daughters - Biby who had a great time playing with all the little people... And Madi, who was bored & tired... Along with Hugo! Only a few years ago, the 2 of them would have been running around & exploring... There were lots of young families there & it brought home to us how removed we are from all that now, our kids have moved on & we do things differently. For instance, lots of families were camping overnight in small tents on a slope, we would have done that too - years ago, but now we prefer to be comfortable & the three of us were happy to be coming h

More Dolphins

I think everyone will start getting very bored if we keep posting photos of Sime's band, but it is his 2nd gig with them & in a pretty cool venue - so it's worthy of a mention! Bunters Bar in Truro is well known in Cornwall for it's live music & our friend, Sheila came along too - which was lovely, as we haven't had a proper chance to catch up for ages! Sheila's not keen on having her photo taken! This is one of Sime's photos of the guys setting up - I love the lights! Another setting up one... There are screens all over the place, so everybody could watch the band! The chaps in action... And another dark video of one of Sime's favourite songs, you can just about see him on the right... He has yet another gig tomorrow with them at a festival in West Cornwall - we're also working, so another busy day ahead! Kay :)

Cracked Earth & Weird Weather

Have finally been able to upload our weekend photos! On Saturday, we went to Treyarnon Bay near Padstow in North Cornwall. Although, it's only 40 miles away from where we live - it looks like they haven't had rain for a long time! It's 7 years ago since we last visited this beach & it hasn't changed... The tide pool to the left of Hugo is where the kids used to love swimming... It was a bit chilly, but we walked from Treyarnon... To Constantine... And back... Then it was off to Sime's first gig with the new band. Some photos with the flash... The guy in the wellies loved the music & danced all night! Mart on the left, his brother - Dave on the right, Billy on drums & some old man on bass... Who had to refer to his notes now & then... Great music, Hugo & I really enjoyed it... If all goes to plan - I'll be a lady of leisure by next year! Wouldn't that be nice? After an incredibly late night, we woke to blue skies & very war