Conflagration & Conversation

We're staying in Newcastle-under-Lyme, which is just a mile or so from Stoke & yesterday morning - we decided to have our walk & visit the town centre (where we haven't been for over 9 years).

On leaving the hotel, we saw that a building across the road was on fire... 

So we went to investigate.

The whole area was cordoned off - with lots of fire fighters & police in attendance.

Nobody knew how it started, but it was in the store room above a shop & it had been blazing for around 5 hours when we got there...

And what was supposed to be a quick walk & bite to eat, turned into a few hours chatting with locals...

Because like Stoke, the folks are really open & love to talk - there was the Police Officer who told us all about her holidays in Cornwall, the elderly woman who told us all about her cat, Herbie, her Husband, Leonard, how she loves her food, the best places to eat & what she was eating for breakfast - when she spotted the "acrid smoke in the sky" from the fire. Then there was the couple who directed us to the eatery we were looking for, who enthused about a local delicacy - The Wright's Pie!

Then we saw these in the subway, not quite Banksy...

But pretty impressive for this part of the world!

On to visit Bebe, who we're taking to the memory clinic today.
Last time, she totally embarrassed Sime by asking the psychiatric nurse if she could sing "The Way We Were" during her appointment - she then went on to sing a couple of verses perfectly & I thought it was wonderful! So when he told her not to break into song during today's appointment, she said she would show them some dance moves instead...
Hope she does!!!

Last night, we went out for a meal with Grandad Gerry (Sime's Dad) & his wicked Stepmother, Brenda (AKA Nana Footstep or Stip-Pep) - who will be cursing me for putting this photo on, as she reads our blog!
As always, we had a lovely time - ate far too much...

And talked non-stop all evening - which may come as a surprise to many...

Went to bed exhausted, slept well & now off for brekkie!

Kay & Sime xx


  1. I'm sure the memory clinic is the last place to be embarrassed by a bit of singing. They'll have seen it all before, and much worse. ;-)

  2. Maybe next time she will dance and sing.


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Kay and Sime

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