Are You Getting Fresh?

 It's a lovely mild day & the sun has come out to play.

We have been very organised, managed to prepare the holiday apartment ready for the next guests... 

And left them a delicious Cornish Cream Tea for when they arrive!

We do like getting up early sometimes, it makes us feel like we're getting things done & it's so nice to finish work at lunch time.

Not only have we worked but walked too...

Down towards Mevagissey while the sun was shining!

And once again...

The sea is a beautiful colour!

A boat coming into the harbour.

Looks like a holiday resort!

We came on holiday to Mevagissey in 1999...
Never thought for one minute that we'd end up living here...

Funny how things happen!

Spring is obviously in the air, as Sime's very motivated today. 
We have 2 small fridges, one of which is really old & not working well at all. 
Rose & Asa have being using it, but as of today - they will have ours...

And we will just use a cool box...
Another small reduction in our electricity usage!

Time to make dinner...

Food is the one thing we never compromise on. 
It's so important to eat well & we've been quite shocked at some frugal blogs lately, where folks are happy to eat absolute rubbish - just because it's cheap! 
What these people don't realise is that the poor quality food - with huge amounts of additives & preservatives is going to be affecting their health. 
It's always wise to learn as much as you can about the foods you eat, for instance - cheap, tinned vegetables are no where near as nutritious as fresh. No matter what it says on the label... You cannot beat fresh vegetables, organic if possible. 
There are so many ways that we can live frugally, but food is what gives us life!
What's the point in saving money on food, so you can fill your car with fuel? 
We feel really sad to have come across so many people who eat junk & don't know how to cook.
Cooking, creating & eating simple, but quality foods is such a wonderful experience & there are so many cookbooks out there for people to learn from - it's easy!

Anyway, we're having something with green split peas, walnuts & mushrooms.
Perhaps a cottage pie - we'll see what happens...

Kay & Sime xx


  1. I can see why you live there - it is gorgeous.


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Kay and Sime

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